Cool Clearwater Fl Hotels images

A few nice Clearwater Fl Hotels images I found:

Oh Brother Where Art Thou 060
Clearwater Fl Hotels
Image by Anonymous9000
Clearwater, Florida 11/8/8.

The Fort Harrison Hotel, where quite a few scientologists have died under mysterious circumstances, is currently undergoing renovations.

For many cities the 10th straight month of Global Peaceful protests against the scientology cult was Operation Oh Brother Where Art Thou? This theme was to highlight the cult’s own internal prison system called the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF), as well as the Estate Project Forces (EPF) which uses scientology children as young as 13 years old for dangerous and heavy manual labor.

See the ABC 20/20 special on the RPF:

As well as:

All faces of those unmasked are blurred to protect them from the cult’s "Fair Game" policy of harassing it’s critics. These are brave people of all ages and walks of life, standing shoulder to shoulder with ex-Scientologists to bring the truth TO YOU.

Educate yourself about what TIME Magazine called "The Cult of Greed and Power":

Operation Frogger 52
Clearwater Fl Hotels
Image by Anonymous9000
December 5, 2009 was the 23nd consecutive month of peaceful global protests against the scientology cult. Several cities around the world chose Dec 5th as it is the 14th anniversary of Lisa McPherson’s death in scientology care at The Fort Harrison hotel in Clearwater.

Clearwater went with an Operation Frogger theme to ridicule the cult’s top Clearwater OSA doofus Peter "Peetie" Mansell, who eyewitnesses said almost ran over an Anonymous protester walking down the sidewalk last month. The witnesses said had another Anon not yelled out a warning and the Anon jumped back, she would have been hit by Mansell. A police report was filed, witness statements were taken and a picture of the offending cult-owned fleet Honda’s license place was turned over as evidence. These cult fleet vehicles are easy to spot with their Florda license plates all begin with the letter X.

Since last month’s protest Senator Xenophon of Australia addressed The Australian Parliment calling scientology a "criminal organization" and requesting a parlimentary investigation.……
The vote on that is scheduled for February 2010, but in the mean time Australian police are investigating the allegations.…

The entirety of Senator Xenophon’s epic speech to The Australian Parliment can be seen on youtube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Additionally, on Nov 25th a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court by ex-scientologist John Lindstein claims scientology enslaved him as a child and alleges human trafficking amongst other charges, naming cult leader David Miscavige, and two cult corporate entities as defendants.
Courthouse news story:…
A copy of the actual complaint can be seen here:

All faces of those unmasked are blurred to protect them from the cult’s "Fair Game" policy of harassing it’s critics. These are brave people of all ages and walks of life, standing shoulder to shoulder with ex-Scientologists to bring the truth TO YOU.

But don’t take my word for it, educate yourself about what TIME Magazine called "The Cult of Greed and Power":

Operation Frogger 53
Clearwater Fl Hotels
Image by Anonymous9000
The epic Frogger cake in all it’s glory.

December 5, 2009 was the 23nd consecutive month of peaceful global protests against the scientology cult. Several cities around the world chose Dec 5th as it is the 14th anniversary of Lisa McPherson’s death in scientology care at The Fort Harrison hotel in Clearwater.

Clearwater went with an Operation Frogger theme to ridicule the cult’s top Clearwater OSA doofus Peter "Peetie" Mansell, who eyewitnesses said almost ran over an Anonymous protester walking down the sidewalk last month. The witnesses said had another Anon not yelled out a warning and the Anon jumped back, she would have been hit by Mansell. A police report was filed, witness statements were taken and a picture of the offending cult-owned fleet Honda’s license place was turned over as evidence. These cult fleet vehicles are easy to spot with their Florda license plates all begin with the letter X.

Since last month’s protest Senator Xenophon of Australia addressed The Australian Parliment calling scientology a "criminal organization" and requesting a parlimentary investigation.……
The vote on that is scheduled for February 2010, but in the mean time Australian police are investigating the allegations.…

The entirety of Senator Xenophon’s epic speech to The Australian Parliment can be seen on youtube:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Additionally, on Nov 25th a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court by ex-scientologist John Lindstein claims scientology enslaved him as a child and alleges human trafficking amongst other charges, naming cult leader David Miscavige, and two cult corporate entities as defendants.
Courthouse news story:…
A copy of the actual complaint can be seen here:

All faces of those unmasked are blurred to protect them from the cult’s "Fair Game" policy of harassing it’s critics. These are brave people of all ages and walks of life, standing shoulder to shoulder with ex-Scientologists to bring the truth TO YOU.

But don’t take my word for it, educate yourself about what TIME Magazine called "The Cult of Greed and Power":

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