Shark fishing in Madeira Beach Fl.
A sperm whale beached itself in the shallow waters off Madeira Beach Thursday morning. The deep water animal was in very bad shape and was euthanized Thursda…
Video Rating: 2 / 5
Sand Key and Clearwater Beach Photos and News
Shark fishing in Madeira Beach Fl.
A sperm whale beached itself in the shallow waters off Madeira Beach Thursday morning. The deep water animal was in very bad shape and was euthanized Thursda…
Video Rating: 2 / 5
So close! Great location. Maybe next time!
Ill called that happening lol thats why I prefer just thw beach lol I
caught a itty bitty 4 footer and wasnt expecting it and all I had was a
penn 704z and it gave me a good running but got it in
Sperm Whales don’t eat plankton, they hunt fish and squid. Nor do any
whales eat plankton. Baleen whales will eat Krill.
What caused it to become so sick? Are they kidding? Plankton; irradiated..
Whales live on plankton. As it has died off, the whales cannot feed. And we
will see more larger whales dying in the same manner. When will journalists
ever do their job? It seems this just will not happen, and that is
aww poor baby im sorry