Check out these Clearwater Florida Hotels images:
Operation Heatstroke 22
Image by Anonymous9000
Marching in front of the Cult’s "Fort Harrison Hotel".
Clearwater’s Operation Heatstroke and the global Operation Sea Arrrgh 2 were the 17th straight month of peaceful global protests against the malicious cult-corporation of Scientology.
The start of what may very well turn in to a Pulitzer prize winning series by the St. Petersburg Times about the scientology cult and it’s abusive leader was initially published on the internet this same day:
Recently, the French trial against the cult and it’s six top French leaders for fraud ended. The verdict is expected in September. If found guilty, the cult will be banned in France, although appeals could delay that for years.
Time Magazine article on the trial:,8599,1901373,00.html article:…
Journalist Johnny Jacobson’s detailed eight part blog of the trail:…
Many don’t know that the horrible science fiction writer turned cult founder L. Ron Hubbard was convicted of fraud in France back in 1978. And in 1997 another French court convicted five scientology leaders of similiar charges.
All faces of those unmasked are blurred to protect them from the cult’s "Fair Game" policy of harassing it’s critics. These are brave people of all ages and walks of life, standing shoulder to shoulder with ex-Scientologists to bring the truth TO YOU.
But don’t take my word for it, educate yourself about what TIME Magazine called "The Cult of Greed and Power":